Harrison Bergeron Essay

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Freedom is only precious when one is aware that it is possible. Can you imagine living in a community that has no freedom? The giver is a novel about a young boy finding out the truth about his community,and he sees how unfair it is. Then “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut is a short story about people that have follow these rules that they think is equal but aren’t. “The Lottery” is another short story about people doing a tradition that makes the people do something they shouldn’t,but they don’t know that, because that’s all they know. Once said by George Santayana a man is morally free when, in full possession of his living humanity, he judges the world, and judges other men, with uncompromising sincerity. Jonas was a young boy that thought…show more content…
Government make everyone wear weights so nobody can be stronger than anyone else. This is showing how their government is taking over there way they look.Pretty woman have to wear an ugly mask to cover up how beautiful they are. Their government is taking away of feeling for a woman to think and feel great about themselves. A reporter in the story had to make an horrible voice because they believe women shouldn’t do that. This explaining that the people of this community don’t know how to be free or don’t have freedom, because the women and man have to do these…show more content…
Everyone in the community is the lottery is a great. When it was time to set up for the lottery the kids were picking out rock and pebbles for the lottery. As well when, they were at the lottery old man Warner said all the other communities were not thinking right when they stop doing the lottery because it’s a tradition that everyone did for many years. Another event was when everyone was walking up one at time to get a piece of paper, and nobody said anything or tried to stopped the lottery. People in this community don’t know if they stop this tradition that their community will grow and become something

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