Happiness In Buddhism

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The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) constitutes the first international Handbook on the measurement of happiness (subjective well-being). A broader definition of happiness is provided by the OECD: “Good mental states, including all of the various evaluations, positive and negative, that people make of their lives and the affective reactions of people to their experiences.” This definition is intended to be inclusive, it includes the full range of different aspects of happiness (subjective well-being) commonly identified by research in this field. It could be the first and foremost measurement of how people experience and evaluate their life as a whole. However, the scope of the definition also encloses measures…show more content…
According to Buddha Dhamma, the Buddha teaching does not directly explain how to get happiness, but to reduce suffering (dukkha). Buddhism uses the terms of dukkha to interpret many things including suffering, pain, anxiety, worry, conflict, and stress or dissatisfied. This dukkha arises because a person is living his/her life in conflict or against the law of nature. The opposite meaning of dukkha in Pali is sukha (happiness). The word sukha could be defined as a state of flourishing that arises from mental balance and a deep understanding the nature of reality. It is not a fleeting emotion or mood that aroused by sensory and conceptual stimuli, sukha is a lasting trait that arises from a mind in a state of equilibrium and requires a conceptually unstructured and unfiltered awareness of the true nature of reality (Ekman, Davidson, Ricard, & Wallace,…show more content…
In other words, pleasure and pain are objective states and can be measured. According to Bentham, the amount of a pleasure or pain that perceived by an individual would be greater or less. It is dependent on the four following circumstances: a) its intensity; b) its duration; c) its certainty or uncertainty and, d) its propinquity or remoteness. These are the circumstances to be taken into account in estimating a pleasure or a pain considered with a reference to a single person or by itself. However, two more other circumstances need to include when the amount of any pleasure or pain is considered for the purpose of estimating the propensity or tendency of any behavior by which it is produced: its fecundity (more or less of the same will follow) and its purity (its pleasure won’t be followed by pain or vice versa). The final circumstance, its extent (the number of persons who are affected) is also needed to take into account as considering in a

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