Essay On Air Driven Engine

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Shriram.p Saranathan college of engineering Mechanical Trichy,Tamilnadu ABSTRACT-The Air Driven Engine is associate degree eco-friendly engine that operates with compressed gas. associate degree Air Driven Engine uses the growth of compressed gas to drive the pistons of associate degree engine associate degree Air Driven Engine could be a gas mechanism that makes helpful work by increasing compressed gas. there\'s no mixture of fuel with air as there's no combustion. An Air Driven Engine makes use of compressed gas Technology for its operation The compressed gas Technology is kind of easy. If we have a tendency to compress traditional air into a cylinder the air would hold some energy among it. This energy will be used for helpful functions. once this compressed gas…show more content…
INTRODUCTION At first glance the idea of running an engine on air seems to be too good to be true. Actually, if we can make use of air as an aid for running an engine it is a fantastic idea. As we all know, air is all around us, it never runs out, it is non-polluting and it is free. An Air Driven Engine makes use of Compressed Air Technology for its operation. Compressed Air Technology is now widely preferred for research by different industries for developing different drives for different purposes. The Compressed Air Technology is quite simple. If we compress normal air into a cylinder the air would hold some energy within it. This energy can be utilized for useful purposes. When this compressed air expands, the energy is released to do work. So this energy in compressed air can also be utilized to displace a piston. This is the basic working principle of the Air Driven Engine. It uses the expansion of compressed air to drive the pistons of the engine. So an Air Driven Engine is basically a pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by expanding compressed air. This work provided by the air is utilized to supply power to the crankshaft of the

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