Happiest Moment In Life

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The last few years have gonewent by so fast. In fact, time has flown by since I had my son Mason. People always tell you, "tThey grow up fast," and "Time flies once you have a kid.". I never realized how true that was until I was planning my son’s third birthday. Its was like time was still for so long and now it’s in a race to the next year. I often look at Mason and think, "wWhere did the time go?". Why does time fly by so fast when you have kids? I believe it’s because now it’s not all about you. In my youth I couldn’t wait until my birthday, Christmas, summer vaccation, until I turned twenty- one or metet the love of my life. When I was pregnant I could'n’t wait to have that baby in my arms, yet the time crawled by. Once I had my precious…show more content…
I look back on pictures of Mason and have a hard time remembering what he was like as a baby. It could possibly be because I was so sleep deprived but somewhere along the way the time went by quickly. I stare at him really closely and try to bring back the memories of the happiest moments of my life. I try to rememeber the smell of a newborn baby with the softest skin. Remembering the cry for a mother’s touch. He longed for my cuddles now iI long for his. Now hes so independent and the smell has definetly changed. When did he get so…show more content…
Starting with his first smile full of gums, now he has twenty pearly whites. I can rememeber the smell and taste of the first baby food which was slimy sweet potatos, now he eats anything and everything. His favorite food now is pizza! The sound of his first fall or bang to the head which I think hurt me more than him. At the age of two he has been to the hospital twice and is getting a new "booboo" every other day. From saying "Dada" to trying to get him to say "Mama" now he will talk from sun up to sun down. Crawling, walking, and running came before I knew it. I was now the chaser of a healthy toddler. I once said "I cant wait until you can walk". Well I spoke too soon. I try to take lots of photos and videos to remember this precious time in our lives. Time is healing, time is not knowing. Time is something we can never grasp. We rush it for so many useless things and reasons and can never get it back. I know in my life I have taken time for granted not realizing it would soon catch up to me. Watching Mason grow up has taught me so many things and most importantly that time is precious so dont waist it. Hes growing more and more each day, before I know it he will be off to college or starting his career and have a family of his
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