Goblin Market Sisterhood

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The Sisterhood of Goblin Market “Come buy, come buy”, although it may sound like a simple request coming from the goblins in Christina Rossetti’s poem, may actually hold a more significant meaning when one further analyzes the text. In the narrative poem “Goblin Market” two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, are tempted by goblin merchants to eat the fruit they are offering. Aside from prominent Biblical references, there are also many sexual innuendos as well as what many suggest to be a plot that promotes feminism. Although some believe that Rossetti may not have been aware of the sexual references, many have proposed the theory that she placed them in her poem to acknowledge female sexuality, something that was not allowed in literature during her time period. Also, when using a feminist perspective to view the text, the end of the poem puts an emphasis on the strong sisterly bond of Lizzie and Laura, symbolizing the…show more content…
The poem says things such as “Lizzie veiled her blushes: Crouching close together, In the cooling weather, With clasping arms and cautioning lips, With tingling cheeks and finger tips.” (Rossetti 35-39). The description of Lizzie’s behavior is similar to one of sexual arousal, indicating early on in the poem that the sisters feel sexual desire. As the goblins draw closer, Laura’s desire escalates, and when she succumbs to it, she enters the same animalistic realm that the goblins inhabit. Due to the traditional nature of society, female writers and poets were limited in what they could say about sexuality especially in regards to women. The guidelines they were encouraged to follow meant that often times writers would have to be very vague and symbolic when discussing more sensitive topics. Although “Goblin Market” is commonly viewed as a children’s story, most critics agree that there are underlying messages that are much more

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