George Washington Dbq

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In the sea of names listed in American history, the name of George Washington will always stand out as one of the brightest, if not the brightest, of them all. So who was George Washington? Without fault, most people would identify Washington as the first president of United States of America. That is, unfortunately, historically inaccurate. John Hanson was the first President in the Continental U.S, because he was the first leader of the Continental congress under the Articles of Confederation. However, George Washington is certainly the most notorious and memorable leader of the United States. He exceeded anything Hanson could have done. He was so distinguished that many historians refer to him as ‘The Father Of The United States’. Not only…show more content…
However, Washington seized to abandon his duties just because he did not have any prior knowledge. He assumed the value or ‘Personal Courage’ and led the Militia skillfully through the French and Indian War. Washington later resigned from his position in 1759 and went to Mount Vernon which is where he was elected into the Virginia House of Burgesses, where he served until 1774. Afterwards, Washington married and grew crops on his small plantation, where he soon faced the epiphany many others did in England ‘taxes were too high’. Washington had tolerated the various taxing acts, but the Intolerable Act of 1774 was the last straw. Washington regarded the passage of the Intolerable Acts in 1774 as "an Invasion of our Rights and Privileges" (Washington, George). Thus, Washington encouraged the secession from England, at this time Washington served as a delegate to the first Continental Congress, and when the second Continental Congress convened in deliberation, Washington was named Commander And Chief of the Continental…show more content…
Even though his Army was shoeless and unruly at times, he led them ruthlessly no matter the personal struggles he endured, showing strong values of direct and unabandoned ‘duty’ and impeccable values of ‘service’ as well. Unfortunately he lost many of his men during the winters of Valley Forge. Washington had entered with eleven-thousand men and left with approximately only eight-thousand. Due to this, and the lack of supplies, his army was not the most triumphant, but in the end they did manage to capture British troops, of which were under the leadership of the ruthless and notorious, Charles Cornwallis. That victory initially marked the end of the Revolutionary War, declaring Washington as a

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