Fort William Henry Research Paper

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Tristyn Gravatt US History 1/English 9 Ms.Borowski/Mr.Canciello 10/24/14 Fort William Henry In August of 1757, Montcalm arrived at Fort William Henry; he started and planned an artillery attack. As the days passed, the French slowly tightened their lines around the fort. Nonetheless, Montcalm's looming victory was threatened by shortages of ammunition and supplies. The French and British soon made an agreement; the British, lacking any other alternative, negotiated terms of surrender. The cooperation between the French and British was soon shattered by the Indians, who were unhappy because they did not receive their promised reward (Fort William Henry “Massacre”, 1). That was only one predicament that Fort William Henry had run into.…show more content…
On the first day, the French split themselves into small groups on each side of Lake George. From seven in the morning till about eight at night, the French kept continuously firing with small arms into the fort. On the second day, the French marched down to the fort and told the British to prepare because they were going to attack more aggressively than before. That night the French attacked and continued firing until late. At the time firing slowed down, a French party began to approach all of the British small warships; the British sent out some of their men to fight them off. The French found an opportunity, at that time, to burn down one of their other small warships while they were distracted trying to fight the French off. The French were winning until the next morning, which was the third day, when it started to snow really fast and ceased their firing. The second siege was to finish what the french had started. On August 2, they started firing and didn’t stop for days. By August 9, the British had given up and hung a white flag out of the fort. (Keith Raynor, 1). This agreement of surrender angered the indians which led to “ The Fort William Henry…show more content…
In the year of 1757, Fort William Henry was the main cause of problems. The French wanted to defeat Fort William Henry because it blocked all access to the hudson river, so they attacked. One of the first to happen was the battle on snowshoes, which didn’t make the British surrender, so the french put together another attack. The second attack was the first siege of Fort william henry, the French were winning until they got snowed out and their weapons got water logged, from here the french did not give up. The second siege of Fort William Henry was to Finish what they had started, so they attacked again. This time the British surrendered, because they had no other option than to do so. The surrender made the French Indian allies very angry, because they did not get their promised reward. This caused the Indians to attack on Fort William Henry, this is when the Fort William Henry “massacre” took place. The French helped the british in this case and took all the survivors to safety, then they went and burnt Fort William Henry down. This was the end of Fort William

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