Don Higginbotham Analysis

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Don Higginbotham, the author of The War of American Independence, perfectly combines both secondary and primary sources which gives the reader an authentic understanding of the narrative of the Revolutionary War viewed through the perspectives of the American colonists. Don Higginbotham was a Professor at the University of North Carolina right up until his demise in 2008. During his life, he has produced many articles and books about the American Revolution and the contributions of the colonists. Although the subtitle of the book, Military Attitudes, Policies, and Practice 1762-1789, Higginbotham attempts to dedicate the majority of the reader’s attention to the different themes addressed by providing the military and political aspects of the Revolution. In doing that he also addresses the social and cultural aspects of the war. Higginbotham also illustrates how the war affected the growth of American identity and how the philosophy of the whig became a reality. He also compares the conflict in Vietnam to…show more content…
Higginbotham further develops this idea, disputing that groups of American political leaders came from the Continental Congress. These leaders were nationalists and wanted to go past different provinces to expand their land. The author perpetuates this idea proposing that the concept of Manifest Destiny was a problem as early as 1776 in which discussions arose concerning Canada’s invasion. The idea of American identity came to be in 1776 when the concern for American independence became massively favorable. One may say that many Americans carried little of the concept of an independent identity even after the Declaration of Independence was signed. Regardless, the Pennsylvanians have had a little bit of the idea of an

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