Gender Stereotypes In Video Games

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Since the first video game created by Ralph Baer (Odyssey 100), this technological area hasn’t stopped growing. Every minute, someone on the planet turns on their PC, Xbox, or PS4 to have some fun and forget about their reality for some time. Video games now are commercialized as food at the game stores, which gain much every year. These electronic games have never been that popular as they are today and according to the Entertainment Software Association, the sales of computers and video games sold 273 million units in 2009 and still sell more and more every year. However, there is a conflict that endures since when the first polemic video game was created. Some people believe that brutal video games do not influence children and teenagers’…show more content…
It can be hard to notice in some, however, in others the stereotype is obvious. There are games that make fun with these stereotypes with the objective to judge them and others talk about the subject with a more serious look. A stereotype that does not cease to exist from the video games is the gender stereotype. For the most part the women are targeted of these stereotypes and end suffering prejudice. In the chapter 53 of the book “Effective Electronic Gaming in Education” written by Yi Mou (Cambridge, MA, USA) and Wei Peng (Michigan State University, USA), a chapter only dedicated to gender and racial stereotypes in the games, the authors affirm that “In mass media, compared to female characters, male characters appear more frequently, talk significantly more, and engage in noted behaviors more, such as achieving and showing leadership” (Mou, Peng 923). And also that “women are usually perceived as subordinate and passive-dependent to men, with sexual relationships as central in life” (Mou, Peng 923). Compared to male characters, females were more likely to be represented in a sexual way (being partially nude, featured with an unrealistic body image and wearing sexually revealing clothes). Also, there were much more male playable characters (89% of 81 games analyzed) than female playable characters (11% of 81 games analyzed). Racial stereotype also occurs in video games. Conformed to the book, across some top 20 games, “the characters were predominantly white male adults. Only 10% of the main characters could be recognized as female. Sixty-eight percent of the main characters and 72% of the secondary characters were white, 21% were Black, 7% were Asian, and 3% were Hispanic.” (Mou, Peng 925). Also, black men are more likely to be portrayed as criminals and Asian men are usually portrayed as culturally

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