Narrative Essay About A Trip To Korea

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It was quiet. Everyone around me was fast asleep in their seats. The steward and stewardess was walking isle to isle, to see if all the passengers are all seated before they too go to rest their eyes. I looked at my watch and it is already 5.10 a.m. That means it has only been 1 hour since the aeroplane to Korea departed from Malaysia. I looked out the window next to me and saw that we are above the clouds. The starry night sky twinkled as the moon glows brighter than ever. My eyelids became heavier, my body is tired, as I snuggled in my seat and slowly fall asleep. In my mind, I thought to myself what amazing adventure awaits me and my family in Korea. Before the actual trip, it all began in the late of September 2015 when my mother was checking online for flight tickets just to see the price. She then saw that the flight tickets for Korea was very cheap. She was shocked to see the price and decided to take this golden opportunity for the whole family to go on a vacation for a week. She also invited her elder…show more content…
The tower is located on Namsan Mountain in central Seoul, South Korea. Namsan Seoul Tower is one the famous tourism spot in Korea. All together we went out and walked to the bus station to travel by bus. When we arrive, we have to walk up the hill to reach the tower. It was quite tiring but once we reach the top, I look down and was astonished at how beautiful the scenery was. The view of the city at night is absolutely breath taking. I walk around the area but something caught my eye. Below the tower is the ‘Locks of Love’, a long-winding fence which holds thousands of locks. While families and friends are allowed to join in on the tradition, it's particularly a hotspot for couples. Visitors write a message on their lock and fasten it onto the fence. My parents and my aunt did so too. Despite that the place is also famous because many movies and Korean dramas did a shooting at this

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