Fundamental Attribution Error

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Based on the readings in your textbook (Stangor, 2010), define, in your own words, the following terms: fundamental attribution error, cognitive dissonance, and diffusion of responsibility. Provide at least one example for each of those terms. Fundamental attribution error: is when you tend quickly to judge others in base of a specific behavior without assessing the situation in which the behavior is occurred. For example, when participating in a business meeting which is a very formal situation, we imagine the participants as some extra formal people, and sophisticated, but we don’t imagine that these people may be very cool, relaxed, and humoristic when out of the business setting. Moreover, when I was a child I thought that the…show more content…
For example, adolescents that enter in a group which praise some behaviors and principles contrary to their moral principles can feel cognitive dissonance, and exit the group. Diffusion of responsibility: is a very disadvantageous assumption assuming people around us will take action and then we don’t have anything to do in this case. For example, a new disposition must be taken in the company to reduce cases of fraud. I am conscious to that, and I have some strategies that may enable that, but I assume it is not my duty to take action; after all I am not the CEO of the company. Another example is a house near mine is on fire. I could provide my help by calling firemen, but I judge it is not my responsibility to do so, after all, I am not the sole neighbors in the…show more content…
So, my bigger case of diffusion of responsibility was one experience at my classical school. One day, one of us said something very vulgar in the class while the teacher was working. None of us was agreed with his behavior, besides he was always saying some nonsenses what usually shocked most of us. But this time he went beyond of limit. The teacher asked who said that, anyone did not want to personalize the responsible. I was there, I was saying to myself: “it is not my responsibility to reveal the person; I am not the only pupil in the class”. Finally, the affair was transferred to the administration, and consequently they decided to send the whole class back home for two weeks. After this situation I came out to the conclusion that maybe it was our fear of being seen as traitor, and our hope that one of us will reveal the responsible that caused our diffusion of responsibility. So, if only one of us, even me has taken action we would avoid this punishment. 3. The last 20 years have generated a lot of discussion that ‘violence in the media makes children violent’. Should parents restrict their children from watching violent movies and shows, and from playing violent video games? Please explain your

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