Narrative Essay On Baseball

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Personal Narrative My fellow reader, life is a long lasting era in which you can strive to do many great things, if you put your mind into it. A time so precious, you only get one chance at it. I plan to make mine count, not only just right now, but what I have already done and what I continue to do in the future. I understand the values of education and the bond between teams of sports to an superfluous amount. Now is when I plan to raconteur with you what I learned. Throughout my life I have participated in many activities and opportunities that have influenced my actions along my long journey of time. The activities include baseball and my school work. Now don’t get me wrong, the work part of these are never on my “favorite list”, but…show more content…
For the first few years I was at the very end of the batting line up and hardly ever played for more than two innings each game. During these years, I was also rather afraid of the ball so that probably helped contribute to my reason for not being the most kibitz part of the team. However, after a few years of trying my best and giving my 110%, my coaches started to play me progressively more. After a while I started to realize that I was getting slowly a slight bit better every year. By my 6th grade year, I noticed I was hitting every time I went to bat, I was catching all of the pop flies and grounders being hit to me with relative ease. Before long, I had reached the point where I was the first batter for the rest of the games in my league. I was bestowed upon such an honor for myself I couldn’t hardly believe in such after what appeared like rangy years had payed off all because I didn’t give up after all of those long years sitting on the bench and watching from the sidelines. To this day I remember all of those times I would be considered the losing end of the team and how much it made me feel like I was good for nothing on the team. Such long years indeed it had felt to transition from the sad rejected kid, to one of the happiest vibrant kid I could be from what I had accomplished, I was finally a part of the

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