Front End Models In Corrections

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Front end programs were first implemented in the year 1970 in Colorado and Minnesota, and the government only contributed a small percentage of the funding at that time. In the 1980s, prisons began having serious congestion issues, and at this time, the front-end programs became popular, as they implemented rehabilitation as the main form of punishment. Today, we have nineteen states that are using front-end models to address the issue of congestion in prisons (Bartollas & Miller, 2011). The aim of front end models is to address various issues, such as ensuring the safety of the public, making sure the criminal is punished for the crime they have committed, ensuring the victims are compensated by the criminals who undergo the rehabilitation…show more content…
The trackers are made in the form of bracelets and are synchronized with either telephone lines or other versions that are either cellular or satellite based. These trackers are beneficial in that they help correctional officials to designate the locations that lawbreakers are not supposed to go; the devices are also provided to individuals who are at risk, such as battered women. The devices have alarms that go off when the offender leaves the area of confinement. The trackers can also be fitted with small cameras that can be used to show live video footage of the criminal‘s surroundings. Other types of trackers can be in the form of mini electronic devices that are inserted into the body parts of the criminal to show their location at all times (Fabelo,…show more content…
In most cases, they are used to treat criminals who are diagnosed with mental illnesses. The medicines are also used to treat criminals who may not have been diagnosed with a particular mental illness. The reason they are given such medicines is to suppress conditions in their brains that trigger them to engage in violent behavior (Fabelo, 2000). Research depicts that individuals who have low levels of serotonin are at a higher risk of behaving violently after they take drugs, such as alcohol. The National Academy of Science, however, suggests that more research needs to be pursed to establish the real reasons why some people exhibit violent behavior. This involves a strategy in which correctional officers use biological methods, such as DNA, to describe the behavior of criminals. This is an approach that will be important in establishing a relationship between DNA components and criminal activities. Researchers are still trying to determine if criminal behavior is contained in the genes and whether it can be inherited among siblings. This will be a risk mitigation strategy that can help to predict those individuals who are at risk of being involved in criminal activities (Fabelo,

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