Biomechanics In Cricket

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Introduction: Cricket being the most popular game in the country is wide spread across boundaries and extensively played all over the country. Considering the volume of population and rudimentary practices involved in playing this game, occurrence of injuries is quite a common sight. The legality of bowling action which is accepted internationally is also alien to major share of the population. Considering this background, this report aims at throwing light at analysis of fast bowling of cricket by using biomechanics’ principles and possibly suggest corrections for enhanced performance and injury reduction. Objectives:  Categorize fast bowling into various types and identify their distinctions  Analyse the various technical problems of…show more content…
For a right-handed bowler, the back foot is normally the right foot. 5. Front foot contact: Front foot contact is the position of the bowler at the moment when the front foot hits the ground just prior to delivering the ball. For a right-handed bowler the front foot is normally the left foot. 6. Ball release: The point of release is the position of the ball in relation to the body at the moment when the ball is released. It is crucial for the arm to be stiff, not bent, and the wrist rather looser, to ensure smooth release of the ball, and sufficient bounce off the pitch. Otherwise, the action will resemble chucking. The left shoulder ought to be somewhat towards the stumps, the arm beside the bowler falling away, having just before this stage been pointing directly at the stumps. For fast bowlers at the point of release the back of hand will be facing in the opposite direction of the batsmen facing the pending delivery. The front of the upright wrist and tips of the index and middle fingers all point to the target. 7. Follow through: The follow through is the motion of the bowler after releasing the…show more content…
Thus result in greater ball release speed and fluency of the bowling action due to the increased forward momentum that has been utilised. • Maintaining momentum in one direction: It is important to maintain the alignment of the momentum right till the end to avoid injuries. During the follow up the first stride should be behind the line of motion of the ball before running off the pitch with the second and third stride. During the follow through the bowler should be aligned with the intended direction of ball travel and this is easily achieved if run-up, pre-delivery stride and delivery stride follow a straight line i.e. their momentum is aligned in a single direction. 

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