Free Will In Antigone By Sophocles

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Can the decree of men ever surpass the will of the gods? As the ancients knew the world, there was mortal judgement and then there was divine judgement, and a conflict of both afflicts us to this day. A classic example of this is expressed through the play Antigone by the great Greek play write Sophocles. It is within the story we find that Creon, King of Thebes, finds his laws pitted against the timeless decrees of the gods. In this, Creon cannot find any hope of justification of his actions against the will of the gods. We find in the beginning of the play there are two dead brothers. One brother though, Polynices, is give the dishonour of not being buried and his corpse rots where it lies. This, we learn, is a very impious act against what…show more content…
“What power on earth can resist your strength O God?” They cry out, and yet you find mortal power doing just that. Creon, a mortal king, tries to resist the almighty strength of the gods and fates. In all literature, not just Greek, this theme runs wild. An example of this can be found in Exodus, Moses the servant of the God of Israel, defied his God’s direct orders. We see that he was punished by never living to see the land God had promised for his people. What can a mortal man, bound by earthly strength do against the immortal gods, limited by nothing except for their wishes? “It is a wise saying,” The chorus says, “that when God is set against you, you welcome the path to ruin.” They know the folly of going against the gods, because of a dishonour to Apollo, the god sent plague to the Achaean camp, killing many soldiers. It is not wise to anger or go against the people with power, going against a King or Tyrant can easily get you killed with a word. This is something Creon knows, cross a lawmaker and you will be punished. Resist the will of a King and he can do many things to you, even death. As the people say, “This means not rebelling against God’s law, for that is arrogance. The greater your arrogance, the heavier God’s

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