Formal And Informal Linkage Institution In Congress

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Introduction A linkage institution is a structure within a society that connects the people to the government or centralized authority. There are two types of linkage institutions; formal and informal. Formal linkage institutions include political parties and congress. Informal linkage institutions include the media. In American politics, informal linkage institutions work better than a formal linkage institution in connecting politicians and constituents. Linkage Institution 1 Evaluation Congress is an extensive way in which we connect with the government. Congress is the base of our part in government (Keohane, & Axelrod. n.d.). Congress includes the Senate and the House of Representatives. All states have a representation in congress. Congress is a direct link to the government. Congress directly links us “by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country...” (Federalist #10, Madison). We, as citizens, can talk to senators about issues we have and address concerns we have. It is not easy, however, to address concerns. (Government By the People Pearson 2009). Discussion Despite being a direct link to government,…show more content…
When television was first invented, it was thought to be “one of the biggest changes in US electoral politics of the last half-century is that most voters now rely more on television commercials for info on candidates and issues…”(Government By the People Pearson 2009). Recently, however, the internet has become the most influential source of media. Voters are largely influenced by the media, they see more of the candidates and their ideals. Candidates always have to make sure they are prepared to face the media. Candidate appeal is largely impacted by the media and how the candidate looks on television or online. (Government By the People Pearson

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