Divine Law In Antigone Essay

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In “Antigone”, Sophocles has pointed out a major issue, which is the topic of discussion of this play - the concept of divine law versus that of human law. By divine law, he signifies the laws that are made by God himself, while men on earth makes the human laws. There should be no doubt that the pride of men leads them to complete arrogance. It is a trait, which is harshly despised by God’s with no room for mercy. In this play, Sophocles goes on to show that a man’s law can never be equal or above those made by God. It was only when it came to preserve his life and family does he realize what mistake he has committed. In the play, Sophocles depicts the story of two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices who had killed each other in a battle after the death of their father, Oedipus. Their uncle, Creon, then becomes the new King, succession Eteocles. He had further declared that Polyneices was a…show more content…
Herein begins the conflict between Antigone and King Creon. Should she follow Creon orders and leave her brother to rot or should she disregard her King’s verdict and give her brother an honourable burial, thereby facing an eminent death penalty herself. According to Greek culture, when a body is not buried by sundown, his soul finds no rest and therefore is doomed to walk on the face of earth for all eternity. Being a sister, Antigone could not morally allow that to happen. On the other side of the story, it is also written in Greek culture that a King, who is the ruler of his subjects, is ordained by the God’s. He is believed to be chosen by Him and to rule over the people in His place. So, when Creon declares a law, should it also not be the law declared by the God’s, the punishment for which is far worse than mortal death, it is for all eternity? If so, then is the punishment handed over to Polyneices not correct according to his crime

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