Role Of Family In Antigone

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Antigone, the tragic heroine of Sophocles’ play “Antigone” dies with her ideal principle law of nature and gods over the schemes of mundane rulers like her uncle, Creon. In other words, Antigone upholds her beliefs of God in a strong reverence, and feels that the laws of Gods should be carried out above all else, notably when in respect to family. Antigone fills the role as the main tragic heroine to defy Creon’s order to bury her own brother because it was unlawful and immoral if he doesn’t receive it, which demonstrate the principle of morality to distinguish both of what persists right and wrong. Antigone values the religious fundamental and law of nature, and believes that the Gods above are absolute over rulers. Sophocles utilizes Antigone to exhibit the importance of family and the…show more content…
But, Antigone’s declension was being arrogant and very compassionate; in a scene, Antigone says, “I should have praise and honor for what I have done. All these men here would praise me .” (Antigone, 398-399) It demonstrates which Antigone’s sentiments is separating oneself from the original interpretation about moral and unethical subsistence, therefore leading to her own death. Sophocles indirectly suggested that Antigone chose to die by her own hand once she have succeeded in her plans. It is a dynamic change all together that Antigone prepares for the suicide at the end of the play. First, determination is shown where Antigone concludes to disobey Creon’s proclamation for departing outside the city to bury her brother, and attends to imprisonment in a cave by Creon’s command. Second, morality, Antigone has no doubt to challenge the sinful and taboo response that Poon

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