Franklin D Roosevelt Legacy

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There is no doubt that leaders come in all shapes and sizes and come forth in a time of need. Leaders carry certain traits for example courage, and ingenuity, that are necessary to achieve many objectives. The 32nd president President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is an example of a superior leader that led his country to success. He built a New Deal, that helped many, as a result created a legacy that can not be forgotten. Initially, America was in a state of despair. During 1929 to 1933, the once great nation was in a Great Depression. Unemployment rates increased from 4% to 25%, millions were without jobs. Many Americans lost their faith in banks. Many important things that we have today were not implemented during…show more content…
Roosevelt had many critics, as he tried to be a superior leader for America. Roosevelt was a Democrat, and with the lose of Herbert Hoover, the Democratic party “took over” of the government. The Republicans were split in the middle, conservatives vs the non conservatives. The term liberal was code word for Republicans that favored the New Deal, and the conservative was code word for the Republicans that did not favor the New Deal. The conservative Republicans were not in favor of the New Deal because they believed that it would not increase business and would not allow for growth. Others did not see the New Deal as a grand beneficiary aspect, instead as a fault. Critics say that Roosevelt’s twelve term in office, gave too much power to the federal government, because most of the acts that Roosevelt wanted to be passed were passed. A great critic of the New Deal was Herbert Hoover. Hoover was different than Roosevelt. Roosevelt believed that it was the federal government's job to help its citizens, while Hoover believed that the public should help the government. Another factor that made hoover not be in favor of the New Deal, was because of his philosophy. Hoover believed in self- sufficiency, he wanted Americans to work hard to meet their success. Critics of the New Deal also believed it increased the national debt, and…show more content…
A time when Americans needed a new leader to reassure them that the economy of America would become more stable. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the leader of that era. Since the moment he was chosen as president of a unstable America, he made it his mission to fix the depression. He (with the help of congress) passed acts that benefited Americans. Although Roosevelt had critics, he managed to help increase the hopes of many Americans, and jobs. Roosevelt created a legacy of his own that is still seen today. Roosevelt's programs that were passed in the 1930s are still present, for example social security. The New Deal allowed a new political coalition, where all races like whites, African Americans worked together. They worked together for the same cause. The new deal made a change in the government. Before, the ideology was that the government did not interfere with the public, it was the publics job to help the government. After the new deal, Americans believed that it was the job of the federal government to insure their well being. The government’s job was to make the nations wealth increase, and make sure another depression did not occur. Although the New Deal did not end the depression, it did however gave Americans a security that they did not have before. The New Deal also insured American’s deposit in their money, and provided insurance for the old. President Roosevelt became a leader in this
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