Franklin D Roosevelt Research Paper Outline

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Title Franklin Delano Roosevelt overcame many hardships throughout his life. He battled polio, which was a disease known for taking many lives throughout the 1920s. As a result of the disease Franklin was paralyzed from the waist down. Franklin didn’t allow his paralysis to stop him. He became a popular politician, known for the impacts he made on the United States while serving as the thirty-second President of the United States. Franklin Roosevelt was born into a rich family and received a great education. Growing up, Franklin quickly found a passion for politics. He admired his cousin Theodore Roosevelt, who served as the twenty-sixth President of the United States, and hoped to someday be just like his cousin. Franklin graduated…show more content…
Franklin’s mother, Sara, advised her son to give up politics, only to retire and live on the family estate. However, Eleanor disagreed and pushed her husband to move forward in politics. He was skeptic, but Eleanor convinced him that he had a strong platform and that his recent battle with polio would only make him a better politician. In 1924, Franklin returned to the political scene. This was the first time he’d given a speech since he was stricken with polio. In 1928, Franklin ran for the title of governor. He traveled throughout New York, persuading people to vote for him. Franklin proved to New Yorkers that he was more mature, serious, and able to relate to hardships after experiencing difficult times himself. Franklin won the election with over 25,000 votes, which was a big deal, since New York was predominantly a Republican state and Franklin was Democratic (Franklin D, n.d.). While serving as governor, Franklin brought change to New York. He implemented a tax relief for farmers. He also lowered the prices of public utilities, which helped lead to his reelection in 1930. The Great Depression was now in full effect, so Roosevelt established the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration. By doing this he provided assistance to ten percent of the unemployed living in New

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