Social Diversity In Dwight David Eisenhower's Life

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Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 in the town of Denison, Texas. One of six brothers, Dwight quickly became accustomed to the late 19th century lifestyle. In 1891, one year after Dwight was born, his father moved the family to Abilene, Kansas where Dwight grew up in a town where social diversity was essentially nonexistent. White, Christian, and Republican people of mostly European decent dominated the town of Abilene during the late 19th century. Dwight’s father, David, and his mother, Elizabeth, raised their six sons through their honestly, ambition and the fear of God. Upon entering his childhood, Dwight had become a very competitive person and quickly excelled in sports and other aspects of his life. Dwight was known…show more content…
The couple married on July 1, 1916, the same day Eisenhower was promoted to lieutenant. During the early years of his military career the couple mainly spent their time moving from post to post across the United States. In 1917 his wife gave birth to their first child, which they proudly named Doud, after his wife’s maiden name. Just as Doud was born, the United States entered World War I. Dwight was hopeful to be stationed over seas, but found himself in charge of a tank training division at Camp Colt. Dwight found himself quickly rising through the ranks and by 1920 he was promoted to major. Sadly, amongst all of Dwight’s success, his firstborn son passed away due to Scarlet Fever in 1921. One year later his wife gave birth to their second son, John. Also during that year, Dwight became the executive officer for General Fox Conner in the Panama Canal Zone. Following the urges from Conner, Eisenhower applied to the Army’s graduate school, the Command and General Staff school at Fort Leavenworth. Upon his application, he was accepted and graduated first in his class of 245 in 1926. Dwight had left an impression of his strong military prowess in his path. After graduation Dwight found himself touring and reporting for the War Department under the supervision of General John Pershing. After his time with General Pershing, Dwight became appointed chief military aid under the command of General Douglas MacArthur. Shortly after the United States entered World War II, Dwight was promoted to commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces where he led the Allied invasion of North Africa known as Operation Torch. Two years later on June 6, 1944 the Allied Forces began Operation D-Day, which was led by no one other than Dwight D. Eisenhower. After Germany’s surrender in 1945, Dwight returned home to Abilene where he received a hero’s welcome. Soon after his arrival back

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