Frankenstein Character Analysis

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“I murdered her, William, Justine, and Henry; they had all died in my very own hands” (Shelley 175). “‘In these last moments, I feel the sincerest gratitude toward those who think of me with kindness. How sweet is the affection of others to such a wretch as I am! It removes more than half my misfortune, and I feel as though I could die in peace now that my innocence is acknowledged” (Shelley 74). “In a fit of enthusiastic madness, I had created a rational creature; bound toward him to assure, in my power his happiness and well-being. This was my duty, but there was still a paramount. My duties toward the beings of my own species had greater claims to my attention because they included a greater proportion of happiness or misery” (Shelley 207).…show more content…
Also because, after the monster kills Elizabeth is when the entire situation is solved once in for all. Here, (a little later on), the falling action of the novel is demonstrated through the technique of problem solving. In other words, where solving the problem of the monster is decidedly handled. Once again, Walton’s vivid description of the North Pole sounds as like a rugged poem, full of such relieving images; consistent of nature, a major tenet throughout the…show more content…
In this way, the presentation of the central male characters exemplify the gender as exceedingly self-absorbed, and single-minded. All while also shown to be the embodiment of Victor’s own central traits. Fiedlike: Used to describe a person who is extremely wicked, considerably in being cruel or brutal. Malice: The intention or desire to construct evil; powdered strictly through free will. Here, Victor is exceedingly infuriated with the fact that his own creature had killed the one group of people he truly cared about most; this further fuels him into finding the notes the creature had left behind; reflecting upon the theme of anger. It seems as though during the last chapter of the novel, as well as Victor’s life, he is immensely depressed upon everyone he truly loved being gone. From here, it seems the only thing he truly has to live for at this point is the act of revenge; reflecting upon the theme of revenge. Here, this form of imagery reflects upon how Victor is desperately asking for a slow death; providing a visual of how he eventually attempts it, just by reaching the “sandy
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