Comparing Frankenstein And Gothic Literature

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Romantic or Gothic? This is one of the famous questions many people have asked when trying to categorize Frankenstein. Mary Shelley is one of the most well-known women writers of the Romantic Period, and throughout history many people have analyzed and studied this novel in attempt to pin it into one single category. Frankenstein is one of the most popular gothic novels of our time, however, Shelley’s writing shows undertones of another style as well, romanticism. Frankenstein was written in a time in which the literature style was changing and shaping into something new, known as the Gothic Period. While each period holds characteristics that made them each unique in their own way these two eras have differences that completely separate themselves from each other.…show more content…
This is shown through the multiple deaths in the novel. One that really stuck out to me was Elizabeth’s. This death seemed to be described particularly more gruesome and horrifying. For example, “She was there, lifeless and inanimate, thrown across the bed, her head hanging down and her pale and distorted features half covered by her hair. Everywhere I turn I see the same figure- her bloodless arms and relaxed form flung b the murderer on it bridal bier,” (CH23). This particular description makes it seem like Elizabeth’s body was like a doll just by the way she is described lying there. Shelley uses the deaths and their descriptions of them to portray the horror. For a romantic writer this writing was unfamiliar which is why I think it became so popular. This type of story terrifies people, and they loved that feeling they got when reading it. When times are changing, it is easy for people to become in love with new trends. Mary Shelley put something out there that was very different from the typical romantic writing by crossing it over with aspects of both gothic and romantic period characteristics and this is why it has become so successful and

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