Aboriginal Education: An Epidemic
The topic of Aboriginals and attaining a decent education is a very touchy one within
Canada. Even after they were put through extreme discrimination, terrible living conditions,
and nightmare-causing Residential Schools, the question, "Aboriginals get their education for
free?," still seems to be circulating. That seems to be the only argument that arises when
talking about Aboriginals and their education. Most of the population is too busy being
consumed by ignorance, that everyone seems to be losing sight of how important it is that
everyone supports and encourages Aboriginal youth to pursue post-secondary education. How
does one argue with that ignorance? With the fact of oppression that the Aboriginals faced for…show more content… This council allows representation for aboriginal
students and any related issues. The representative can offer help with academic questions,
voicing opinions, and how to become more involved with Aboriginal programs. During an
interview with Aboriginal resource office staff member, as well as Aboriginal grad student,
Thomas Dymond, he spoke out about the Aboriginal community at Memorial. Dymond is apart
of the Bear River First Nations Mi’kmaq from Bear River, Nova Scotia. Currently working on his
masters’ degree, he talks about the misconceptions of “free education.” The application
deadline is the first June preceding fall enrollment. If granted funding, it covers the cost of
tuition and textbooks, and living expenses. “The money is helpful, but is not enough to live off
of.” (Dymond, T. 2015) Typically, funding is only given for one degree, and is only provided if
the education is advancing. Dymond has applied for funding for his masters’ degree twice, and
was denied each time. In the conclusion if the interview, Dymond revealed that there are
architectural plans for an Aboriginal building- but that is years in the