Food Crisis Research Paper

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Famine and Food Crisis are related societal phenomena. Because of the inter-linked nature of the factors of hunger, you can be sure that the food crisis will in turn cause more debt, more conflicts, more health problems, more famines, more poverty and more poor government decisions as they struggle to react to growing dangers. This essay will define famine, its global perspective and root causes of famine. And lastly define food crisis, its global perspective and nature and underlying causes of the food crisis. The research questions, aims and objectives will be outlined prior the deliberations. 1.2. Research Questions What are the root causes of famine? What are the nature and underlying causes of the food crisis? 1.3. Research Aims To…show more content…
According to O’ Grada ( 2009) famine is mostly understood as an event and traditional famines are mostly described as sudden shocks, almost always linked to natural disasters (rain, temperature) or ecological shocks (eruptions, plights, plagues). Common symptoms of famine crises include rising prices, food riots, increased crime against property, significant numbers of actual or imminent deaths from starvation, a rise in temporary migration, and frequently the emergence of famine-induced infectious diseases (O’ Grada,…show more content…
Energy costs, biofuels and food security High energy prices have made agricultural production and food processing and distribution more expensive by raising the cost of inputs as well as of transport and manufacturing processes. The biofuel industry has also created a new link between markets and prices for energy and agricultural commodities (UN, 2008) 7.4. Constrains on agricultural production in developing countries There are less obvious structural long-term causes of the global food crisis that are just as significant and that have indeed led to have such a serious impact on food availability (UN, 2008) 7.5. Multilateral trade rules Multilateral trade rules have an important role in influencing food security. Under the World Trade Organisation, those rules have thus far permitted subsidies for agriculture (UN, 2008) 7.6. Fair competition Oligopolistic (on the seller side) or oligopolistic (on the buyer side) market structures, mergers and strategic alliances in the agro-food sector have contributed to the higher prices for agricultural inputs, as well as to the fact that developing country farmers receive a relatively small fraction on retail prices for their products, thereby dampening profit incentives that would have enhanced food production by developing countries (UN,

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