Causes Of Rape In South Africa

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NO MEANS NO! –RAPE IN SOUTH AFRICA Rape is a crime that is committed through a sexual act without the consent or agreement between the people involved. Rape is distressing, humiliating and can have life changing consequences. Rape is never the victim’s fault. Rapists make their own choices to rape and they are to blame. (Crisis, 2006) There are many different types of rape: 1. Date Rape: being raped by a stranger, someone you know or going out with 2. Her husband can rape a woman –seriously, we aren’t joking!- 3. Gang rape: being raped by two or more people at the same time 4. Statutory kids: sex with a person under the consent age despite consent given or not 5. Corrective rape: the belief of rape against lesbian women to revert their…show more content…
Poverty 2. Drug/ alcohol abuse 3. The culture of violence in South Africa from the dehumanising apartheid system 4. The liberation of the struggle 5. Being a women –sexist, right- 6. Being young 7. Being a sex worker 8. Previous experiences of rape 9. Having many sexual partners Rape has severe impacts and consequences on both the victim and rapist respectively -although only 1% receives consequence in South Africa- (Crisis, 2006) The greatest impact of victims is HIV/AIDS considering 10% of the population is HIV +. (Wilkinson, 2014) (Blow the Whistle and SAPS, 2013) Others include fear, trauma, shame, worthlessness or guilt – contemplation of suicide- . Therefore, knowing there are others who understand and care is of a great importance. IMPACT OF RAPE The impact of rape can be considered as follows: the psychological impact of rape and the physical impact of rape. Physical effects: Can occur from sexual assault and forcible submission – like drug assisted date rape- Physical effects can cause bleeding or bruising in parts of the body –vagina or anal- from forced violence Other impacts…show more content…
Remember to keep police officers name and your case number! 6. If you’re afraid If you fear retribution or intimidation by the rapist/s, ensure police are aware of this and request no bail is allowed to rapist. 7. Forensic examination A doctor will examine any evidence on your body that can be used in police investigation 8. Get support Ask for pamphlets or booklets on rape and numbers for local counselling centres for further support and advice about police and effects of rape. To name a few: Gauteng: Rape Crisis Centre, Johannesburg: 011 642 4345 Western Cape: Mitchell's Plain Crisis Line - Mitchell's Plain - (021) 392 2000 Eastern Cape: Rape Crisis Centre (Dora Nginza Hospital): +27 41 406 4112 Kwa-Zulu Natal: CHATSWORTH COMMUNITY CARE CENTRE: (031) 406-1242/3 Mpumalanga: GREATER NELSPRUIT RAPE INTERVENTION PROJECT (GRIP): (013) 752-5993 (Dreams, 2010) 9. Get treatment Despite opening a case at the police station, within 72 hours make sure you take: • The Morning After Pill (MAP) to prevent pregnancy; • An HIV test and antiretroviral treatment to prevent the HIV infection possibly contracted; • Antibiotics to prevent a Sexually Transmitted Infection

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