Unit 2: The Key Role Of Behavior In Health

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Dr. Ogden’s Unit 2 “The role of behavior in health,” (2017) discussed the key role for behavior in health, provided a range of psychological models and how behavior can be understood in relation to individual beliefs. Dr. Ogden also discussed how eating behavior is a key behavior and demonstrated how psychological theories such as cognition models, the developmental model and a weight concern model of eating behavior, can be utilized to describe and explain why people eat what they eat. Behavior is most linked to illness onset, illness management and health outcomes. Health behaviors such as diet, exercise, sleeping and smoking are important predicators of health and illness. Behaviors can have a positive or a negative impact on health. Attitudes,…show more content…
It consists of 5 stages: pre-contemplation where one is not intending to make any changes, contemplation where one is considering a change, preparation where one is making small changes, action where a person is actively engaging in a new behavior and maintenance where one is sustaining the change over a period of time. These stages do not certainly occur in a linear fashion, instead the behavior change is described as dynamic. In Unit 2 reading Dr. Jane Ogden (2017) mentioned that the stages-of-change model has been applied to several health-related behaviors, such as smoking, alcohol use, exercise and screening behavior. The stages of change model are a simple and useful approach to describe a behavior and frame ways or methods in which to alter this…show more content…
These five components predict behavioral intentions. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) highlights behavioral intentions as the outcome of a combination of multiple beliefs or ideas. The beliefs are sorted into factors that predict behavioral intentions, which are then associated to behavior. The three belief factors are: attitude towards a behavior, which can be either a positive or negative evaluation of a specific behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Eating behavior was studied using the three key theoretical approaches, which are: cognition model, developmental model and a weight concern model. The developmental model emphasizes exposure and social as well as associative learning. The cognition model emphasizes a person’s cognitions. The weight concern model draws upon causes of overeating and information associated with dieting. These theoretical approaches can also be applied to other forms of health behavior such as smoking.

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