What Relationship Did European And Chinese Have On The Goldfields Essay

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What relationship did the Europeans and Chinese have on the goldfields? Structure Arrival Bans Racism Social Political Economical Notes The physical appearance and dress manner immediately set the Chinese apart from the other gold diggers. The hair in queues and ponytails plus the distinctive clothes and different tones caused a division fairly quickly, without the many other differences such as culture, pastimes and segregation. Basically they looked, ate, dressed and acted completely different to what the Europeans thought 'normal'. The Chinese miners dressed very simply, in loose fitting clothes, a plain belt and a traditional conical hat. Most migrant joining the Australian gold rush left behind friends and family to do so as individual fortune hunters. However this was not like traditional Chinese culture to do so and they came with the intention of returning home to their families with pockets full of gold. Although many Europeans had the exact same intention, the Chinese were heavily criticised for taking it home rather than investing it in Australia. The Chinese did not come for their own sales but rather that they felt compelled to take the opportunity and seek a better future for their families who remained home where it was a time of poverty and…show more content…
Despite numerous warnings the Chinese continued their methods without a single change. The main difference between Chinese and European mining was that the Chinese would create a round mineshaft, this is thought to be due to the superstition that evil spirits lurk in corners. However in spite of their reasoning, the round shafts often produced greater rewards. They would travel in huge groups of about a hundred and would walk in a long line, one behind the other taking short steps like a line of wild geese. Some Chinese adopted European dress and manner whereas other stayed resolutely

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