Chicago Great Migration

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A constant movement of Hispanics and African Americans to the northern cities marked a second course of gang growth in Chicago in the 1930's. After the Civil War, there was an inpouring of African American immigrants who arrived first because they wanted to be free from the southern states regarding the hardships of the labor lifestyle and the anguish of the Jim Crow laws. The time between 1910 and 1930, of the “Great Migration” approximately one million African Americans journeyed from the backwoods of the South to the municipal North for more valuable endeavors (Marks, 1985; Miller, 2008). Subsequently, Chicago's numbers of African Americans reached about 200,000, which established this city a massive urban African American culture—“along…show more content…
It was encouraged amongst some African American workers to leave behind their family and friends to have a useful life in the North. Even though African Americans traveled to the North for work their journey was strenuous because of racial oppression. Spectators who observed African American immigrants believed they were inadequate for the uphill adjustability direction in which the White immigrants succeed at in the Northeast cities. African American immigrants were not intertwined into the American workforce, according to the owners of many businesses who believed they were unfit to be skilled but the truth is related to the racial subdivisions within the American labor force. In the midst of the racial segregation at this time, the labor force recruited the African American immigrants as a backbone of cheap labor. The business owners wanted them to remain in the section of low-priced workers because if they allowed the same rights as the White labor workers, they would no longer have power over that particular national…show more content…
As more of them began to hang out amongst each other, they formed groups and this transformed into street gangs. Being fit played a significant role in street gangs because one’s strength is observed in the middle of rivalries with another company. In consequence, this fueled and directed violence onto the African American community, the unleashed frustration did not erupt close to the mid-fifties. When White gang members brought dismay to the African American community, this united the fellow Black males to assemble as the Black gang in Chicago. This rivalry between the White gangs and the Black gangs was the race riot of 1919. This war was over the preeminence of the streets. This includes jurisdiction over particular locations within the neighborhood. According to the article, “The History of Street Gangs in the United States,” only a few of the Black gangs went up against the contentious White gangs since they were highly organized and robust. The dispute between these two gangs decreased between the 1920’s, and the 1940’s but the encounters continued for the limited material goods within the disproportionate urban

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