Family Case Summary: Development And Family Story

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5. Development and Family Story It is a planned pregnancy. It comes to the world on time and with normal birth. During the pregnancy of the mother, her sister-in-law experiences a trouble and delivers early the baby. That incident affects the mother and the mother starts to get worried, “What if I experience the same problems and I deliver my baby early”. In addition, the last two months of your pregnancy, she suffered from these worries. There is no problem in terms of development. Mother is 46 years old, primary school graduate and she is a homemaker. She generally has a protective and worried personality. When she raises her children, she used to say, “do not do that, wash your hand or you get caught by an infection”. That is why she blames…show more content…
The sister has an anxious personality as well and she states she is worried about everything. Since the mother always takes care of Yunus Emre’s problems, the sisters says, “you have only one son, you act like you do not have another child. You are only taking care of him”. His younger brother/sister is 9 years old, studying at the 5th grade. He states his brother/sister is his best friend at home. 6. CASE FORMULATION DiagnosisSpecific phobia?? , Anxiety Problems about Health, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?? Preparatory Factors • Mother’s anxious pregnancy period • Anxious personality structure of Yunus Emre • Anxious personality structure of the parents • Overprotective attitude of the mother • Immediate appendectomy surgery in the 2nd grade Provocative Factors • Incident he witnessed in the 6th grade, the car hits a cat and the cat’s neck is broken • The chase by a dog/triggering cynophobia Maintaining Factors • Calling the mother when he feels stressed • Assurance provided by the mother • Changing the road or escaping when he sees a dog • Not to look the dog in the eyes. He thinks the dog would attack if he looks the dog in the eyes. • Climbing a wall or car when he sees a dog • Washing his hands when he thinks he gets

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