Fahrenheit 451 Analysis

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Ray Bradbury’s use of intertextuality from “The Death of Guy Fawkes” and Dover Beach help us to delve further into his writing and better understand how the protagonist, Guy Montag, does not want to follow the norms in a dystopian society. In Part One of Fahrenheit 451, Montag introduces himself to Clarisse as “Guy Montag”; “I’m Clarisse McClellan.””Clarisse. Guy Montag”” (Bradbury 4). Here, Bradbury steals from The Death of Guy Fawkes, an article about Guy Fawkes, a British man who attempted to blow up the British Parliament. “Guy” Montag and “Guy” Fawkes share a similar first name. Bradbury did this on purpose as both men go against their government as they see faults in the system; “Fawkes revealed that he was a participant in an English…show more content…
Both works deal with the gradual demise of society, loss of humanity and two main characters who go against the norms of their society. At the beginning of Part 2, Montag turns off the TV and begins to read Dover Beach aloud to Mildred and Her friends; “Was once too, at the full and round earth’s shore … Where ignorant armies clash by night” (Bradbury 96). Dover Beach references a world with no joy, love or help for the pain, only emptiness, a world that Montag experiences. After Montag is done reciting the poem, One of Mildred’s friend, Mrs.Phelps begins to cry as she has not experienced emotion so intense. The women also begin to rebuke Montag and respond to the poem the way society taught them to , with disgust; “Mrs.Phelps was crying...You’re nasty, Mr.Montag, you’re nasty!” ( Bradbury 97). Written during time of the industrial revolution in Britain, Arnold feel like humanity is beginning to have a lack of appreciation for the beauty of arts and nature. Both and Montag both see a hole in their society and long for freedom of expression, and happiness. However, they both feel alone in their quest and do not agree with the norms the societies place. In the 3rd stanza of Dover Beach, Arnold mentions “Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar” (Arnold

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