Fahrenheit 451 Analysis

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I am not one exactly fond of fiction, the genre in general strikes me as too far-fetched, but Fahrenheit 451 strikes me as something completely different, not at all far-fetched from my personal, everyday life. The book vividly depicts a scenario much like today’s society, a place in which the population is ever more interested in entertainment and self-amusement rather than our actual reality. It is quite amazing, and a little alarming, just how very much Montag’s society parallels our current way of life, in which entertainment eliminates ethic morals and rationality. Media is not the only factor that comes into play in our modern times; technology has the tendency to shape our actions and decision making as well. Today, more than ever before,…show more content…
She did not know. On pages 46-47, Montag tries to describe his memories of Clarisse to Mildred, and how peculiar she was. Mildred lightly mentions the fact that she had died. On pages 48-52, Montag tries to address to Mildred how he is sick and how he has come to the conclusion that there may be a lot more to books than they previously thought. Mildred does not seem to care one single bit. All of these failed attempts at conversation truly show just how much Montag’s personal life had fallen apart. Poor Montag, with a stranger of a wife, who has not a care in the world for her spouse, whose life mainly revolves around her personal needs, and whose mind has been erased and washed away by the society and entertainment in which she is surrounded by. Poor Montag, whose radical ways leads him to a state in which he is without his wife, without his job, without a house, without his life, and a fugitive all the while. Yet how lucky, Montag is, to have been saved from the ultimate demise of society he once took part of, and to be able to live to tell the tale of the dangers of a society in which entertainment and technology help abolish distance amongst each other, and provide ever growing connectivity, but fail to provide true happiness amongst us all, and ultimately brings no absolute

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