Summary Of Tom's Cabin

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A Kentucky farmer Arthur Shelby faces the problem of losing everything he owns, because he needs to clear up his debt. He and his wife Emily Shelby have an affectionate relationship with their slaves. In order to clear up his debt Arthur Shelby decides to sell his slaves to Mr. Haley, who is a slave trader. Mr. Shelby decides to sell two slaves. The first slave is Tom a faithful and honest man. The second is Harry who is Mrs. Shelby’s maid’s son. They plan to sell these slaves but not tell any of the slaves. Eliza overhears the conversation between Shelby and his wife and the agreement with Haley. Eliza warns Uncle Tom and his wife Aunt Chloe. After warning them she takes her son Harry and they flee up North hoping to reunite with George…show more content…
Shelby that she is being pursued by Haley. Haley barely catches Eliza as she crosses the frozen river, and makes it to Ohio. Haley then decides to hire a slave catcher Loker and his gang to bring back Eliza and Harry. After crossing the river to Ohio Eliza and Harry make their way to a kind Quaker Settlement. They are happy because they have reunited with George. Haley returns to collect his land and his property where Tom is still there. Tom does not run because he knows that Haley depends on Tom’s honesty. Then from there Tom and Haley leave for the South. While on the route Tom saves a little a girl named Eva from drowning. The girl’s father Augustine St. Clare decides to buy Tom as his daughter’s personal servant. They go back to their home in New Orleans.…show more content…
The other slave catchers retreat. Eliza convinces George and the Quaker settlement to bring Loker to the next settlement. Where he can be healed there. After living with the St. Clare's, Eva slowly is growing ill. She gets weaker and weaker by day. When Eva is about to die she has a vision of heaven. Her death has an effect on everyone one she knew. Mr. Clare decides to set Tom free, but dies by being stabbed in a fight. Marie decides to sell Tom to a cruel plantation owner named, Simon Legree. Tom is taken to Louisiana with a new group of slaves. Simon dislikes Tom because Tom refuses to listen to his order. Tom receives a severe beating, along with Simon crushing his faith in God. Tom meets Cassy who is Simon's previous sex slave, and was separated from her daughter by

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