Child Observation Paper

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I have set up an appointment at 9:30 am in kid’s club day car in Brookline that close to my home. The school lies in a convenient area. It has a lot of parking space for parents and teacher and it is away from a high road, which makes it very safe for children. Upon I arrived there; I had met the principle that took me to one of classes and introduced me to the teacher and to the children. Everyone there made me feel welcome. I chose a place where I can set, observe and write my note as well as be away from children sight. The class was organized, there were 12 children, and all of them are 4-5 years old. The children were sitting on a blue and green rug with map of the earth. In the corner, there is a reading area with a lot of children’s books and stories in reachable shelves and softs billows for children to read. In the other corner there is a playing area with different kind of toys and blocks area. They have an art corner with two big tables for children to draw and paint, the children tapped some of their work in the wall. Also they have a napping area that have the children’s mattress and pillow, as well as eating area included a big table…show more content…
These concepts are at the heart of their social-emotional wellness. I saw a good developed in this aspect. For example when the teacher handed out the paper to the children to draw a skeleton she accidentally forgot one. He was so quiet and didn’t say anything, but when the student who is sitting next to him noticed that, he immediately asked the teacher to give him a paper. One girl looked to the boy and thanked him because he was so nice. All students agreed with her and they admired his caring. It will encourage the other follow this way, and enjoy helping each other, it is an important
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