Foster Care Challenges

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Youth in foster care often faces a multitude of challenges. Along with those challenges they face developmental and needs as well. As youth in foster care make these transitions between adolescence and into becoming responsible adults, they have to learn to cope and adjust to those changes. Some changes that youth in foster care goes through are the various placements of foster homes in efforts to find the right suit for the youth. The goals of foster care is to ensure that the youth has its basic needs to survive and to make progress towards becoming a self-sufficient adult. In many cases if a youth has many foster home placement they are unable to formulate the bonds and social connection that are needed. It is crucial for a youth to have a bond with a natural mentor. Avery (2010) examined published research studies on the impact of mentoring programs on youth who were in foster care. The research, he studied discussed the evidenced based…show more content…
Youth who are aging out of foster care are usually in this age bracket. The transition to adulthood has become a longer process in recent years and this is a developmental stage distinct from adolescence and adulthood (Arnett 2000). The concept of emerging adulthood as the stage as after adolescence where many changes with identity exploration occurs. Arnett notes that emerging adults risky behaviors can be attributed to their identity explorations and wanting to have a variety of experiences before settling down and taking on adult responsibilities (Arnett, 2000 p. 475). Based on this behavior in some youths it may be a factor in a youth having legal involvement. If the youth has a mentor the mentor may be able to influence the mindset of the youth into doing more productive things that will help shape their future as an adult rather than exploring different things that may lead to

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