Analyzing Polanco's Identity

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I. Introduction A. Opening Statement: To some extent, all individuals want to fit in with society, yet they also yearn to stand out. B. Thesis Statement: In the extended metaphor poem, "Identity," Polanco's character traits play a role in his views about his own identity and society. C. Closing Statement: The author's independence and risk-taking influences his perspective on himself and the rest of the world. II. Body Paragraph: Character Trait #1 (A-C) A. Introduce Character Trait: Although a majority of people believe they can be independent and sustain themselves, only a handful of people are capable of such a feat. B. Definitions of Independent Free from outside control; not having to rely on someone else Not easily influenced…show more content…
Body Paragraph: Character Trait #2 (A-C) A. Introduce Character Trait: Experiencing risk and danger is natural in life and should be accepted within society. B. Definitions of Risk-Taking the act or fact of doing something that may involve danger or risk in order to achieve a goal Doing something that might put someone or oneself in a situation with exposure to danger C. Evidence of Character Trait "Clinging on cliffs, like an eagle/ wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks." He doesn't want to be shielded from life's dangers Rocks represent danger -> takes the risk knowing that if he "falls", he will be put in danger. Figurative-> the danger in the rocks is not being able to be himself. If he falls before society's judgment, he might lose his individualism. Also, eagles are a universal sign of freedom; free from society's rules + judgment. Literal-> if he falls, he can lose his life V. Relate to Polanco's Identity + Society A. Identity He wants to explore and be free from rules Accepts challenges -> faces them rather than run away from them Retains his distinct personality Accepts the possible danger within his decisions Does not want safety provided by someone else B. Society Polanco wants people to accept life's

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