Explain The Psychodynamic Approach

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Criminal psychology is the branch of psychology that researches into why and how criminals act and commit the crimes they do, three approaches which help explain this is the psychodynamic approach, the biological approach and the cognitive approach. The psychodynamic approach suggests that behaviour is driven by unconscious motives and that childhood influences adult behaviour, the biological approach explains behaviour in terms of an individuals make up and the cognitive approach builds on the behaviourist perspective but it its conscious of what is going on in the mind, e.g. mental thought processes. The psychodynamic theory was originally created by Freud, he suggested that the approach reflects human behaviour reflecting a complex set of interactions between conscious and unconscious processes. Childhood is a main reseach point in Freuds discoveries, he suggested that childhood was a critical stage in development and our behaviour is a result of an interaction between unconscious innate drives and early experiences. Freud also belived that our personality was made up of three parts, the Id which states that the primary driving force is sexual instinct which operates in the unconscious this is operated using the pleasure principle, the Ego which is the conscious rational mind and it develops during the first two years of a…show more content…
However a weakness of the biological approach is that is foucuses mainly on nature rather than nurture. The biological approach argues that the behaviour is mainly caused by various hormones and your genetics however twin studies show how it is not completely genetic and the environmental factors have a huge impact on
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