Benefits Of Volunteering

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7 Volunteer When money is tight, you might find working for free to be the last thing on your To Do-list. Yet, the benefits of volunteering are obvious and you should definitely consider looking into this opportunity. Volunteering is great because it helps you focus and deepen two of the essential tasks already mentioned in the post: networking and improving skills. First, if you are able to find volunteering opportunities within an industry or a sector you would like to work in, you are creating contacts with important people by volunteering. You are showcasing your talents and your transferable skills – you are building your brand. By creating these contacts and this positive image, you create opportunities. That volunteering job at the…show more content…
Just like any new job, volunteering will teach you new ideas and ways of working. Whether or not your volunteering position is relevant to your current or future career path doesn’t matter. You will learn transferable skills – things like customer service, leading a team, solving problems and so on – which you can always utilise in a role from IT management to sales roles. Not only is volunteering beneficial in that it helps with networking and gaining skills, but it can also boost your mood. And your mental health can be tested during your unemployment – it’s all too easy to start feeling blue, feel low about yourself and lack confidence in the future being bright. Yet when you volunteer, you get out there and you meet new people. You know your work has a real positive impact on people in one way or another – you feel more valued and…show more content…
Finding a new job is stressful. You want to find a job, but the more you search the more depressed and anxious you might get. The more anxious you are, the harder it is to focus your job hunt and shine as a candidate. It’s a vicious cycle. While breaks and having fun might seem like the last thing you want to do, it’s an essential part of making the most of your unemployment. Let’s face it. You can’t expect to job hunt for 24/7. You wouldn’t work 24/7 day, so why should you be, essentially, thinking about your unemployment around the clock seven days a week? If you try to spend all your waking hours looking for work, I guarantee you are going to burn yourself out sooner rather than later and you won’t find a new position any faster. You need to put enough effort into finding the new job, but this doesn’t mean you can’t do anything else. It might seem odd, but think of your unemployment as an opportunity to do things you wouldn’t be able to do when you’re working. You have a lot of time on your hand, you might as well use it. If you can, then take some time off to re-focus, to think your career options, and to have fun and live your dreams. Remember the value of transferable skills – you don’t need a pay check to learn new things. Travelling can teach you plenty of transferable skills and life lessons that can boost your career. The Muse has published an article listing three ways you can boost your career through travel. The post mentioned how travelling

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