Examples Of Irony In The Crucible

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In the play, “The Crucible” Arthur Miller uses a variety of techniques to present his writing. As seen, Miller uses his own originality. Throughout this story, characters are being developed, tragic events are occurring, and many outcomes come into play. Irony is portrayed over every act, inside and out. Nether the less, broadcasting a message behind his persistent skills that include irony. In other words, this tradeoff is the central focus to “The Crucible.” The key features in the story enhance the readers’ comprehension, causing connections, questions, and confusion. Millers’ irony serves a great purpose in all aspects of the story. Miller’s use of irony in “The Crucible” presents a connection for the readers. Allowing them to feel, think, and coherently understand what is going on from the beginning to the end of the play. “I have seen marvels in this court. I have seen people choked before my eyes by spirits; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by daggers” (John Proctor). The use of this irony, allows the readers to build thought, and develop a feeling towards what had been said. The audience knows that all these “marvels” have been made up by Abigail, but Danforth doesn’t know and so he believes her. This is a prime example of dramatic irony. Without such an enhanced, comprehendible statement, the audience would not be able to build…show more content…
Without the use of his originality, the story would fail to enhance the meaning and perception it leaves us with. Irony is the spotlight of the play, which make it apparent to anyone that has read or is reading “The Crucible.” As developing situations occur, without his astonishing techniques and skills, the audience would portray the completely wrong meaning of what has been said. Which is why irony is definitely the most important part of this play Millers use of irony has emphasized his characters, developing events, and outcomes in the

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