Reoccurring Themes In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby consists of themes that connect with novels such as The Catcher in the Rye, The Secret Life of Bees, The Color Purple, and The Crucible. Fitzgerald was able to incorporate themes such as prejudices, self-alienation, and reputations. The Great Gatsby had a reoccurring theme of prejudice towards the lower-class. The people of higher class would consider anyone below them to unfit and treat them inhumanely. For example, Daisy did not marry Gatsby because he had no social class and wealth. They look down upon and pitied those who did not live the same lifestyle. This same theme connected to The Secret Life of Bees, which emphasized racism during the period of 1964. In the novel racism was illustrated through events involving stereotypes that Lily labeled the women she met. She assumed that all African American women to be uneducated and housekeepers until she met August, who surprised Lily with her well-manner and cultured personality. These two connects with the same idea as one party looking down at another party and labeling them to a certain stereotype.…show more content…
In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby longed for wealth and status. He showed his status and reputation through the possession of cars which he owned many. This gave him the sense of freedom and pride for his wealth. During this period all that matter was wealth and status. For example Daisy married Tom for his wealth and Myrtle’s hope in Tom’s wealth to give her the American dream she wanted. The irony was that Gatsby’s American dream to fin wealth and status lead to his death, and same with Myrtle. The car which represented status was the death of both of them. This connects to the crucible because reputation was what leads to the disaster with accusations in order to protect

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