Unintentional Racism In Counseling

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In considering unconventional racism in the counseling room, it is important to grasp the unconscious motivation that resides in us all. This motivation to possible not understanding each other or the behaviors that makes us human (Ridley, 2005, pg. 66). Most often, counseling can mistake the ability that mislabeling someone is often the main source of theories that are being used. As a future counselor, I see the sensitive that must come with the job and how my current training is the crucial for my development. It is important for me to see that the counselor role must be to recognize the variety of mechanisms found in the therapeutic relationship and determine any comes with the client with the lens of unintentional racism(Ridley, 2005,…show more content…
What was impressive about the experience is the ability to show that the majority of us can be color-blind to the minority of clients as consider that race is not an important factor in considering the goals and intentions towards the client. However, I do believe that this experiment does not tell all the full detail of the individual self. As I see that the point of the experiment was to examine your unconscious motivations, I do find that some like me who carries a lot of compassion for all beings can mistakenly not being rated correctly on this particular scale. There was a point of frustration during the experiment that I was taken back on how the unconscious can rule so much in how much we perceive the world. It’s the tendency to overlook the feelings and connections that we develop among our clients (Ridley, 2005, pg.…show more content…
If there is an awareness that came from the IAT test was the recognition that unintentional racism can arise any give moment and cause incompetence towards cultural transference (Ridley, 2005, pg. 70). However, I still do struggle on he Buddhist nature of compassion and racism. As I’m aware of the profiling that is part of our western communication, it’s difficult for me to the mechanics that go into the profiling. For example, when I took the second IAT test, which was for Arab-Muslim, I knew pre-hand what the experiment was looking for. To see how we associate Islam names to “bad” wording labels. As I do not deny that there are people who unconsciously or consciously do this, I was more reflecting on how I see myself during this experiment. For me, compassion comes first. Not to say that I’m no person who does profile because I do have my flaw moments, I would better like to understand what it means to unconsciously profile due to the lack of knowledge that you have on an individual or cultural group. It’s to my awareness that the majority of our unconscious motives come from an area that lacks knowledge. It’s becoming skilled and insightful in other cultural difference that brings more awareness to my ability to be present in my psychological significance with

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