Examples Of Glory In Beowulf

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Glory exhibits the most important thing in the Anglo-Saxon culture and it glues the warrior clan together. Beowulf, the epic hero, embodies the Anglo-Saxon culture and gives an image of how glorious a warrior should be. One of the most essential values of the Anglo-Saxon culture is glory. Glory for God, yourself, and your tribe, and Beowulf gains glory in all three of these things. In the events of Beowulf going to battle, which happens often, he always thanks God for his victory and for what he is born with, “…but Beowulf was mindful of his mighty strength, the wondrous gifts God had showered on him: He relied for help on the Lord of all, on His care and favour”(Heaney 89). Considering the fact that God happens to be a very prominent figure in the Anglo Saxons life it makes sense for the Geats and the Danes to attempt to gain glory for God.…show more content…
For a warrior this is vital because it can make one renowned. In Beowulf’s case he began as a small fish, he was unknown and was not highly regarded, “He had been poorly regarded for a long time, was taken by the Geats for less than he was worth: and their lord too had never much esteemed him in the mead hall. They firmly believed that he lacked force, that the prince was a weakling; but presently every affront to his deserving was reversed” (Heaney 149). However, due to the fact that Beowulf is now the strongest being on earth and there is no one like him gaining glory is extremely easy. In Heaney’s translation“There was no one else like him alive. In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth, high-born and powerful” (Heaney 15). He demonstrates his strength by destroying evil beings and by doing so gains glory in his name He helps Hrothgar, an old ally, by killing an evil fiend. Beowulf slays Grendel, and by doing so gains glory for himself and also immortalizes himself, which is also key for an epic

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