Examples Of Heroism In Beowulf

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Heroism and Tragedy in Beowulf In the introduction to his translation of Beowulf R.M Liuzza states that “the poem’s encroaching sense of the tragic limitations of the heroic life does not negate its recognition and celebration of its beauty and value” (39). His comments enable us to see that the poem is built up on the basis of heroics while always reminding the reader that tragedy is coming. The poem’s depiction of both the tragedy and glory that comes to a hero is true to a narrative of its time, showing, as Liuzza states, that “the hero’s life is precious but precarious, noble but impossible”(39). Taking these thoughts into consideration I want to argue that the poem makes a case for Beowulf not being a “real hero”, despite the overwhelming emphasis that is made about him being a “true hero”. This supports that it was their pagan belief of heroics and quest for “true glory” that doomed them from the start.…show more content…
The prologue’s ending lines are open ended, the statement not clear until later that the poet knows where the cargo went, and it was most certainly not upwards. It’s noted in the introduction that it is unclear if the poet is expressing admiration towards Beowulf for being “lofgeornost”(39), most eager for fame, or if he is reasserting that this was the reason for his downfall. Christianity’s idea of heroes often come full to the brim with themes of martyrdom and thoughts of God and His Kingdom, Simon Peter and Andrew being two good examples. They died for a higher cause not because of a more selfishly sought after idea of glory and final thoughts of gold. Although the characters themselves are thought to be Pagan references to God in the vein of Hrothgar’s cry of “(…) but God can easily halt these raids and harrowing attacks!” are found littered throughout the

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