Examples Of Gamification

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Gamification examples in the online classroom One of the greatest challenges to any instructor, particularly an e-course instructor, is getting students engaged and motivated. Considering that 75% of people today are gamers to some degree, a sure way to address the issue of student engagement and motivation is to incorporate elements of game design and thinking in non-game activities. Known as gamification, this technique is designed to motivate and engage learners, and make them active participants in their own learning. The basics of gamification Gamification aims to leverage people?s natural desires for socializing, competing, mastering, learning, expressing the self, altruism, and closure. The gamification techniques include rewards for…show more content…
For example, you can offer badges for successful completion of units or lessons. You can incorporate a point system that is based on amount of work students do combined with their scores, rather than just an aggregate of scores alone. You can offer a status bar for students to see their progress through lessons or units. Students can select an avatar and screen name, and all the data can be displayed on the work screen, visible to all students. Students might select from a variety of ?quests? and progress through educational activities at their own…show more content…
Praise and acknowledgement for a job well done go a long way toward improving motivation and encouraging learners to succeed. Remember that a truly gamified class is more than merely incorporating a badge system. If you would like to gamify your course, consider gamification as part of the course?s foundational structure rather than some afterthought add-on, as thorough incorporation will result in a truly gamified experience. A successful gamification strategy captures and retains learner attention, challenges, engages and entertains, and teaches. Gamification is a nice technique to achieve better motivation and engagement. With gamification techniques at work, students also often do more than the assigned work in classes, which of course helps achieve learning objectives. Conclusion When you want your learners to learn better and remember more, consider incorporating a layer of gamification into your e-course by bringing in badges, point systems, progress bars, virtual currency, levels, and other types of rewards. Consider making each learner?s game status visible to other learners to instill a sense of competition and encourage student motivation. The beauty of the gamified class is that it?s a creative way to get learners motivated intrinsically, which every instructor knows is not at all easy to

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