Examples Of Christof In The Truman Show

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The Truman Show is a film in which a man named Truman lives in a reality television show. He is unaware that his life in Sea Haven, an artificial world constructed by the Christof, the director, is not reality, and that he is part of “The Truman Show.” Although parallels can be drawn between Christof being a picture of God, he is more accurately a representation of Lucifer, a fallen angel of God who is also known as Satan. In Psalm 139, it says “for you [God] created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (13). According to this verse, God is the Creator who made all things; in The Truman Show, Christof famously introduces himself to Truman as the Creator. Though a self-acclaimed creator, Christof is unable to create…show more content…
Psalm 139 says, “where can I go from your [God’s] spirit, where can I flee from your presence,” showing that God is everywhere, and one cannot escape from his sight (7). Because God is all-knowledgeable, he is also omniscient-- even “before a word is on…[a] tongue…[he] know[s] it completely” (4). Christof displays this same omniscience and omnipresence which God possesses in how he is able to monitor and observe Truman’s every action through over 5000 hidden cameras he has hidden in Sea Haven. From a large screen in the studio, Christof watches Truman; every action is captured on camera, and Christof is able to follow Truman wherever he goes. Though Christof certainly displays omniscience and omnipresence, he is unable to find Truman when he discovers that Truman has escaped Sea Haven. In this way, Christof is limited in his omniscience and omnipotence. Without the many cameras scattered throughout Sea Haven, Christof is powerless and possesses no power of himself. In contrast, God obtains his power from himself-- he does not rely on any other source to display his omnipresence and…show more content…
Christof fabricated an artificial world and led Truman to believe that it was reality. In this way Christof is a “liar,” deceiving Truman for more than 20 years. Moreover, when Truman attempts to escape Sea Haven and reaches a staircase which leads from Sea Haven to reality, he decides to walk through the dark doorway rather than listen to Christof’s pleas for him to stay in Sea Haven. Within the film, Sea Haven is depicted as a sunny area, and the dark doorway contrasts this; Sea Haven is approachable and seems to be a representation of positivity, but the doorway which leads to reality is seen as unpleasant and mysterious. Psalm 139 says that God will lead those in the “way everlasting,” which is what is according to God’s will and what he wants (24). Christof begs Truman to stay on the “way everlasting”-- what Christof desires-- by staying in Sea Haven. The viewer is able to see a contrast between the light, airy portrayal of Sea Haven, and the dark, foreboding portrayal of reality; on one hand, the viewer wants Truman to escape Sea Haven, but on the other hand, the contrast between Sea Haven and reality gives the viewer an intuitive sense of inclination for Truman to stay in Sea Haven. When Truman walks through the doorway, he effectively rejects the “way everlasting.” If one were to interpret Christof as a picture of God and not Lucifer, the meaning behind
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