Hester Prynne In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne has develop her strength through hardship which is put on her by the scarlet letter. In the story, Hester, the main character is forced to wear a scarlet letter representing the sin of adultery as a Puritan punishment. As the heroine, Hester, who chooses to face her punishment and gain respect from serving truly demonstrate how she turns the negative effect of the scarlet A into a positive attitude. Hester Prynne is effected deeply and changed…show more content…
People gradually finds that she never asks for “further privilege” besides “breathe the common air” but she always offer a hand to needy. Her good needlework and the zealous heart to serve the poor shows her repentance attitude as wearing the punishment. While the scarlet symbol minimises her wild love in bones, this “red-hot brand” replaces the “graceful foliage” of her beauty (Hawthorne 273). Starting to wear “austerity” dress and hide her “luxuriant hair” is a another effect of the scarlet letter, which indicates that love does not dwells in her any more (Hawthorne 169). The scarlet punishment place a imprisonment on her passionate nature and makes her seems fit better in the Puritan society. She procures the new scarlet symbol of able but on the other hand she is used by people as she devote all time in helping others but still a solitary. In the end, the scarlet letter make her become angel-like figure who struggles hard but never give in. After her loved one dies on the scaffold, she disappear with Pearl for a ling time. When Hester returns alone, her “long-forsaken shame” is still wore as a reminder of her old shameful times (Hawthorne 446). Also, Hester comes back for keeping expiating sin as the scarlet letter reminds her to do. In the “lapse of the toilsome but thoughtful years”, the scarlet letter is no longer a “stigma” but something to be “sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe and reverence” (Hawthorne 447). Going through “might trouble” which the scarlet letter gives her, she is considered as a friend and a mentor to women in the “continually recurring trials of wounded, wasted, wronged, misplaced, or erring and sinful passion”(Hawthorne 448). She finally gain the power from the scarlet A and her strength is recognised as people pay her
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