Ethnographic Analysis Paper

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DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS I draw on ethnographic data collected during thirteen months of participant observation at a West Coast affiliate office of Successful Women’s Outfitters, which I call SWO-WC. During my time at SWO-WC I observed interactions between staff, volunteers, and low-income clients during 132 (pre-interview) first suiting appointments and 9 (post job-offer) second suiting appointments. In addition to time spent solely observing suiting appointments, I also served for seven months as a volunteer intern and was eventually hired on a contractual basis to work 10 hours per month for six months as a paid part-time program coordinator. I also reviewed the SWO-Worldwide website along with informational pamphlets and flyers to help capture dimensions of what Pudrovska and Ferree (2004) refer to as the organization’s “self-identity.” When serving as a volunteer intern, I participated in a variety of tasks and events both onsite at the SWO office and at several offsite locations. Onsite tasks included: sorting donated clothing, filing paperwork, booking suiting appointments with clients, conducting follow-up calls to clients to confirm appointments, giving clients their orientations,…show more content…
While working as an intern, sitting behind a desk in the office, I took brief field notes into a small notebook and was occasionally able to record my observations in greater detail by using one of the office computers. During my observations of suiting appointments, I was allowed to use my laptop, and thus was able to type fairly extensive field notes on the spot. I occasionally recorded additional observations in handwritten notes. In both cases, I elaborated on my initial notes after leaving the site. I analyzed these data inductively by reading through my field notes several times and constructing “theme sheets” as different themes

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