All Summer In A Day Theme

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Imagine a planet where it rains for seven years, stops for a day, and continues this pattern. Now, imagine a girl who has seen Sun because she is from Earth. When she talks about the Sun some students start to feel jealousy, and jealousy can have atrocious ramifications. In Ray Bradbury's short story, "All Summer in a Day", he conveys a theme that jealousy negatively affects everyone. The short story is about a nine year-old girl named Margot who is from Earth. Her classmates have lived on their home planet, Venus, their whole lives. On Earth, before she came to Venus at the age of 4, Margot saw the Sun every single day. On Venus, there is constant rain. Not soft, peaceful rain, but hard, boisterous rain that never ended except once every seven years. On that special day, scientists said the Sun was going to come out. The children would not recall if the sun came out when they were young, but now they would remember it forever. Margot, however, already…show more content…
When the kids realize they have this similarity with Margot they realize that what they did was wrong because now they know she was right when she described what the Sun looked like and they know how she feels about losing it. For example, on pg.4 one of the children says, "Will it be seven more years?" "Yes. Seven." Then one of them have a little cry. "Margot!" "What?" "She's still in the closet where we locked her." "Margot." In this scene, Bradbury is using short sentences to emphasize how the children feel. When the children say "Margot" with a period at the end this is meant to show that the children are realizing the negative impact of their actions on Margot. The children were nice in the beginning, mean in the middle because of their jealousy, and then they were nice in the end after realizing the effects of their actions. All in all, the students and Margot learned that jealousy negatively affects
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