Book Summary: Journal Entries 1812 In Trinidad

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Journal Entry 1812 January 1812 I arrived in Trinidad just about the time when the British became in control of Trinidad and Picton was in charge. Brereton, (1783-1962). As the ship entered the port I could see a beautiful mountain range in the distant. There were small buildings here and there and the buggies driven by black men awaiting their orders. As I disembarked the ship I was greeted by my new owner, Master Devenish who took me to where would now be my new home. As we drove along he briefed me on my new job as a tutor. As the buggy headed west along the outskirts of the port, I could see fields and fields of sugar estates. On entering Woodbrook, the area known as the Peru is where I would now be residing. Besson, (2011). On arrival to the main house, the master called the head servant to take me to my quarters. I freshen up then returned to the main house to meet the rest of his family, house staff and his children; I was amazed at the sight of two white children a boy and a girl that were mothered by his wife and three black children two boys and one girl…show more content…
I decided to take a morning stroll as I do not pick up duty until around 9:00 a.m. I noticed there were many Africans slaves which out-numbered the whites, notwithstanding of ranks, I realized the Europeans had an advantage in position on the plantation and in society. Halcrow, (1982), I reported for duty at 9:00a.m. This session lasted for three hours after which the children went to lunch and resume at 1:00p.m. for another two hours. Those first two hours was real hell as the children showed me no respect until their father came to enquire and found the unruly children behaviour towards me utterly unbearable. His words with them changed their attitudes and things resumed to a quite atmosphere. Halcrow,

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