Essay On Lead Poisoning

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Lead poisoning Food toxicology and safety SANIA NIAZ 15003242016 Lead toxicity Introduction Lead is highly toxic substance exposure to which can produce a wide range of adverse health effects. Lead poisoning is the most common disease. It affects both children and adults. Childhood lead poisoning is more common. There are still three hundred thousand children which are under the age of Six who have much lead in their blood. Exposure Lead poisoning occurs mainly by ingestion of lead contaminated food or water. May occur through ingestion of contaminated soil, dust or lead containing paint. Lead quickly absorbs in the blood stream and has adverse effects on certain organ systems i-e cns, cvs, kidneys, and the immune system. Pharmaceutical companies have set a…show more content…
• Utensils of china, one should not use for food or drink at all because of high lead risk and lead has been used for centuries in food containers. • Some pieces of china contain lead which can leach out from the surface of the dish and get into foods and beverages. Then, when the food is eaten, the lead gets into the body. • The amount of lead that leaches from a trey depends on how the trey is used and what kind of food is put in it. For example, acid foods and drinks will drain lead out of dishes much faster than non-acid foods. Spaghetti sauce, salsa, soy sauce, orange juice, coffee, tea, cola drinks, and salad dressing are examples of acid foods. Mechanism Lead binds to proteins and potentially alters their function. It competes with essential metals such as calcium and iron for binding sites. Calcium binding proteins have greater affinity for lead than calcium. These can result in multiple effects. For example, neurotransmitter release which is a calcium-dependent process perturbed by the presence of
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